Fix: Drag modulators to LFO graph was flickering in some OS/DAW combinations Fix: Typing entry values for the new FX level knobs was responding in percentages instead of the dB range Mega.Fix: preference: Limit Polyphony to one of any note number was causing a filter click on new/stolen noteįix: SerumFX was latching on stop which could cause LFOs to become offsetįix: Some on-screen help tooltips were displaying the wrong tip informationįix: Flip Vertical was moving LFO Bus modulation assignmentsįix: Remove Modulations context menu item was not removing LFO Points on Windowsįix: Alt key was not reacting on AAX Windowsįix: In 1.29b9, graph curve handles were not drawing on X-Shaper / Remap graphsįix: Adjusting LFO 5-8 rate with notes playing was not reacting until new note IMPORTANT EDIT: As of both links above do not work anymore, here are some new ones:į/serum111b3crackfullbitnado (Expired) If anyone has some serum preset packs (other than cumatics, got them all), and you want to share, please feel free to shoot me a pm :) I saw the latest version on this sub was like 1.07 or something, so I decided to share this. Yes this download works, I've used it myself. our general discord chat (not specific to torrentlinks).Posts about the sub itself or asking for help: flair Meta.

Link to shortcut URLs are ok as long as they go to the short cut URL and then directly to the torrent URL.

Saying your preferences, like "I like software X better" is ok.