If you're still not happy and wish to make a suit capable of zero point energy and antigravity with 900mph+ flight speed inside a protective ionosphere safe from bullets, well that's certainly possible even on a small budget.Ĭategory: Clone pep files| Pepakura File Wiki| FANDOM powered. A tech already used by our gov' courtesy of fine engineers like David Adair. If you are however unsatisfied with second best however, I can even explain how to produce super composites in zero gravity - super light and durable. Other methods include electroplating, vapor coating/deposition. Suppose you would like to make it purely of metal somehow? Yes, you can use lost wax casting process, even make your own cheap propane refractory furnace to melt tin cans or even steel for about $300 maybe less. Suppose you wish to give this a metal finish? Too easy just use spray paint. Needless to say, it was very time consuming, but worth it in the end. The downside was that painting it on left a lot of work for sanding, and then I had to apply 8-10 coats per part, just to get it to a nice thickness that i wanted.

Next, I used a two part cast called 'smooth on 65D', and painted it on the outside of the helmet to give it a smooth, hardened look. I used hot glue to adhere the parts together, which was also nice and easy. It was easier to work with, and took less time than a previous fiberglass build. I decided to build this costume out of Foam. Star Wars - Clone Trooper Phase 2 Helmet +FOAM+. Double-click the downloaded file to install the software.

Download the free trial version below to get started. Here are some pep files for clone troopers:) Download Helmet.