Added the ability to assign a key to activate an effect Added the ability to assign multiple custom sounds to an effect and let the mod variate between them Gravity Sphere I Feel Sick Ghost Town Sideways Gravity Mannequins Delayed Camera Flip HUD Teleporter Malfunction Resurrection Day Jumpy Props 2x Animation Speed Prop Cars Tiny Vehicles Minor changes to existing effects Fix regression which caused FiveM support to break again Updated Blimp Strats effect Exposed meta modifiers to Lua runtime."Prop Hunt" "Spinning Props" Updated Failsafe to work in a build proof manner Fixed effect texts not showing up if only meta effects are enabled.Added help text to Meta page in config app.Fix "No Chaos" and "What's Happening?" effects hiding the wrong mod UI components.Fixed eye blinking effect not working during "I'm So Tired" Fixed potential crash caused by certain vehicle effects due to stub assets Fixed crash when loading / starting a new game after initial load (Hopefully) fixed potential crash related to random vehicles / vehicles upgrades Fixed "Fake Teleport" not preventing fails on newest game build Updated Failsafe to work with the newest game build (2699) Added option to limit voting to specific Twitch users Added shortcut to prevent black screen softlocks (CTRL + SHIFT + K, enabled by default)